But Iron Tribe is So Expensive!
Without fail when I’m telling someone about how amazing Iron Tribe Fitness is and the results I’ve experienced, the first question is always:
“How much is it?”
Isn’t it strange how that’s the first place we go? I mean, I more than most am concerned with personal finances and want people to carefully consider opportunity cost.
But what if your first question was “Is it worth it?” instead?
How would that change your frame around the conversation?
What I’ve found when I tell people that Iron Tribe is $250/month is they think that’s outrageous. And from what they are referencing, it is!
But it’s totally worth it.
Here’s why
Most people hear that number and compare it to $10 Planet Fitness or $30 YMCA. People pay a nominal amount for access to weights and equipment. So, why in the world would they pay so much more just to get at some barbells?
Easy. That’s not what you’re paying for at Tribe.
You’re paying for direct access to a personal trainer who not only instructs you during class but also meets with you at least monthly to establish and plan how to crush your fitness and nutrition goals.
That’s right, nutrition goals.
This is a full-service experience and one that recognizes no matter how much you exercise, if you’re diet is whack you’re not going to get the results you want. It’s got to be a both/and.
Backing into that math, I pay about $12.50 per personal training session each month. Now this is starting to make a lot more sense, right?
Not only that though. A sum of money that kind of hurts is a fantastic commitment device.
A commitment device is essentially a clever means to help you commit to a course of action that you know will be hard. For an individual, this might mean losing weight, quitting smoking, or anything else involving willpower.
Think back to the $10 Planet Fitness “membership”. That is so easy to discount and write off if you don’t take advantage of the access to a gym.
$10 — no big deal. I’ll go next month… maybe.
There’s no pain in not getting a benefit out of that $10.
For $250 though you better believe I’m squeezing every ounce of utility out of those dollars. I’m not missing any classes. I’m hitting my weigh-ins. I’m meeting with my Coach, setting goals, and (not-so-humble-brag) crushing them!
So, is Iron Tribe expensive?
Yes and No.
It depends on how you look at it.
But is Iron Tribe worth it?
That answer is only Yes.
Now here’s the real question: is becoming the best version of yourself worth it to you?
It is for me, and that’s #WhyITribe